Thursday, August 13, 2009

brain treats living things discretely from non-living

For unknown reasons, the human brain distinctly separates the handling of images of living things from images of non-living things, processing each image type in a different area of the brain. For years, many scientists have assumed the brain segregated visual information in this manner to optimize processing the images themselves, but new research shows that even in people who have been blind since birth the brain still separates the concepts of living and non-living objects.

D: I'd like to have indicators for
1) living and
2) human.

The above article might explain why pets are called he/she and not it.
I pointed out to a woman I know that I refer to pets as it.
Whether the dog is male or female does not matter to me.
A bitch or a curr are the same in how I interact with it.
The woman I spoke to has named her car, and it is masculine, LOL.

I found out the hard way that parents don't like their infant or toddler called it.
But they have no discernible gender, so I don't see what else I would call ... it.

I propose for Decimese
1) default to "it" - third person, singular
2) option to indicate living
3) option to denote masculine/feminine, with neuter default.
4) option for human (perhaps sentient, to allow for AIs/aliens/transgenics? <;)
So "he" would be third person, singular, neuter with human, living, and masculine denoters.
He/dog would be same but without human.
He/car would be same but without human, living.
The same car could take the default "it" pronoun.

Unlike it/he/she, I want the root/stem of "it" to be clear in he or she.
I also want more potential detail with plural forms.
It/ it(s). He(s). Et al.
They doesn't indicate gender or living or anything else.

The key theme is optional overt indicators of details.

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