Thursday, November 19, 2009

D: I saw this New Scientist article today on superstring particles.
The naming convention is erratic.

The counterpart to an electron is a selectron.
BUT the counterpart to a photon is ... a photino.

Applying a regular rule would have resulted in either
1) selectron and ? sphoton.
2) electino and photino.

The neutron gets renamed a neutralino.
Using this convention, a photon would have a counterpart called a ... photalino?

My point is that a single renaming system for counterpart particles is clean and neat and simpler.

The problem is in part the laissez-faire syllable options.
Photon. CVCVC.
Electron. VCVCCCVC.
Decimese tends to shoehorn words into a handful of predictable syllable formats.
This makes the business of regular naming convention more obvious.

Mandatory comment on Esperanto. <:

This lack of careful planning of syllable forms leads to no end of problems.

Di- root for diety.
Diet- root for diet.
-et- infix for tiny
-o ending for noun.
Dieto. Diet? Or tiny diety?

Congrats- homophones. In some ways worse, it is also spelled the same way.
So more confusing than, say, which/witch. Or there/they're/their.

Vowel gemination: diino. di (diety) -in- (feminine) -o (noun).
Dee- ee - no.
Implication for what is effectively vowel gemination:
This effectively means that syllable duration, since it carries lexical meaning via vowel gemination cannot also convey syllable stress.

Within a word, stress is on the penultimate syllable, with each vowel defining a syllabic nucleus: familio [fa.mi.ˈli.o] "family".

D: so diino ought to be pronounced, with a break between V and V (identical) as
dee -eeeee- no.
Here's is where it gets fun.
Before considering syllable stress, the word is already
dee -ee -no.
What do you get in reality, allowing for colloquial speech?
Good luck with that one.

Esperanto was trapped the moment it attempted to use word-building derived form typical European syllable forms, followed by Latinate infixing.
Possible alternatives include Lojban's approach.
Syllable types used in cmavo, gismu, and lujvo:

Type Sample Word Factors Syllables

CV di bridi 17 x 5 85
Cy ky dikyjvo 17 17
CCV bri bridi 48 x 5 240
CCVV grai xagrai 48 x 4 192
CVC gug gugde 17 x 5 x 17 1445
CCVC ckel mickelcre 48 x 5 x 17 4080
.V .e .e 5 5
.VV .ai .ai 4 4
.iV .ia .ia 5 5
.uV .ui .ui 5 5
.y. .y. .y. 1 1
'V 'i la'i 5 5
'VC 'ir po'irpoi 5 x 17 85

Total: 6169 syllables.

The following syllable types occur only in le'avla (borrowings) and names:

CVVC raig raigbu 17 x 4 x 17 1156
CCVVC kreig kreig. 48 x 4 x 17 3264
'VV 'ai ta'aino 4 4
'VVC 'ais ni'ais. 4 x 17 68
CR dr gugdrnede 17 x 3 41
iy (reserved) 1 1
uy (reserved) 1 1

Grand total: 10704 syllables.

So the English speaker

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